Brownie Batter Bowl & Burpees

Chocolate, there are just some things we can’t live without!


Have you ever made brownie batter, and then realized that you’d rather just eat the raw brownie batter instead of baking it, so….you eat 1/2 of the raw brownie batter and then realize you no longer have enough batter to make the brownies, so….you just put the other half of the batter in the fridge for tomorrow!?? Well, after you have eaten the brownie batter, you probably realize how you just undid all of your workouts and healthy eating for the past couple of weeks and then beat yourself up about it…

To quench your brownie batter craving (or chocolate craving, or craving for something sweet and decadent), I have put together the below guilt-free recipe that you can whip up in just 10 minutes. Use this recipe as a foundation to build upon and create your own sweet treats that satisfy your personal taste and cravings. Just make sure that if you add ingredients to this recipe, they are in line with your health & fitness goals!


Brownie Batter Bowl: *Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Grain-free, Egg-free, Low-sugar
  • 2 tbsp organic Almond flour
  • 2 tbsp organic Coconut flour
  • 1 tbsp organic Ground Flax seed
  • 1 tbsp organic Chia seed
  • 2 tbsp organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 2 tbsp organic Raw Cacao or organic Baking Cocoa
  • 2 tsp of organic vanilla extract
  • 1-2 dashes of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
  • 4-5 mini spoons of organic Pure Stevia Extract Powder


Start with 1 cup of water in a small 2-3 quart saucepan. Turn heat on low-medium. Add the almond flour, coconut flour, and ground flax seed and stir until mixed thoroughly. Then add in water (a tablespoon at a time) until a cream of wheat or cupcake batter consistency is achieved. Now add in the rest of the ingredients, adding water as needed to maintain a cupcake batter consistency.  Do a taste test before turning off stovetop heating element. Add salt or stevia to your liking, the more coconut oil you use, the creamy it will be. Pour brownie batter into your favorite bowl. This recipe makes two servings, so either share with a worthy soul or eat half and save the rest for tomorrow! Whatever you do, please don’t eat the brownie batter right before doing the workout below….it won’t end pretty…


P.S. – you can make this batter and pour it into a cupcake pan and then bake at 350F degrees in an oven for about 10 minutes to make actual brownies. Or make pancakes or waffles with the mix. If you opt to bake the mix or cook up pancakes or waffles, I would add in 1-2 tsp baking soda (and 1-2 more tablespoons of coconut oil – for brownies only) to make the turn out better! OR…you can take the brownie batter (recipe as-is above) and throw it in the freezer and in about four hours you have some pretty amazing brownie batter ice cream…

100 Rep Burpee Challenge:

Warm-up:Do jumping jacks for 1-2 minutes.

Burpee Challenge: Perform 100 reps of BURPEES!! My tip is to do 10 reps at-a-time until you reach 100 reps.

The key to this workout is to take it one move at-a-time. Tackle each burpee with passion, and tackle in sets of 10 reps at-a-time, until you get to 100 reps. Then move onto the bonus round if you dare! Your arms, bum, abs & heart rate will be on fire when you are done!

Bonus round:Grab a jump rope and jump rope for 5 intervals of 45 seconds jumping rope and 15 seconds rest (5 minutes total).

Push yourself, but remember, always modify any workout routine to your preference, skill level, and for your individual health & fitness goals.

Pin below “Workout Roadie” to your Pinterest board so that you can take this workout on the road with you to the gym or at-home!

Also, take a look at the newest additions to our Brave Angel Motivational Workout Clothing Line!


Yours Truly,

Brave Angel

What Everyone is Saying About These 3 Bikini Body Breakfast Recipes


Include these three recipes as part of your daily diet to help you slim down, tone up and fuel your workouts! These three breakfast recipes are wholesome and healthful and will help you get on track and stay on track with your health & fitness goals, whatever they may be, and are in line with our “Fit & Toned Bikini Body 28 Day Challenge“.
Remember, it isn’t always about losing weight or getting skinny ladies! When it all comes down to it, it’s about feeling good, on the inside & out. Start listening to your body, and after you eat a meal, become aware of how that meal affects your mood, energy level & digestive system. If your energy dips and you feel agitated or your stomach feels funky after a meal, make a note of what you ate and start becoming mindful of what “works and doesn’t work” for you.

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Everyone reacts differently to food and also different food combinations, so start listening to what your body is telling you. Remember, if your body is in a toxic state from ‘pollutants’ and/or processed foods, or if your bodily systems are functioning at a lowered state because you are eating things that your body has a negative response to, then your body will have a difficult time achieving your health & fitness goals. Eat clean, and train dirty is the best motto to go by!

#1. Cinnamon Toast Pancakes: (Gluten & Grain Free)

Whip up the pancake batter below and cook away! These pancakes are nutrient packed, gluten-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, sugar-free, grain-free and a perfect post or pre-workout snack! Measurements may vary according to your taste and preference, so have fun with it and tweak the recipe as you like!


Pancake Batter: Prep time is 10 minutes and recipe yields 1 pancake = 1 serving.

    • 1/4 cup Almond Flour
    • 1 tbsp of Ground Flax Meal
    • 1/4 teaspoon Baking Soda
    • 1-2 shakes of sea salt
    • 1 Whole Organic, Free-range Large Egg
    • 1/2 teaspoon of Organic, Alcohol-free Vanilla or Maple extract
    • 4 scooper-fulls of 100% Pure Organic Stevia Extract powder

First, mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Then whisk 1 egg, Vanilla or Maple extract, and melted coconut oil together and add to dry mixture in bowl. Slowly add unsweetened/unflavored coconut milk (unsweetened/unflavored almond milk or water are optional substitutes) until the pancake mixture becomes a thick pancake batter consistency (should be around 1/4 cup – 1/2 cup of coconut milk or liquid you used in place of coconut  milk). Mix well, spray your frying pan with cooking spray (preferably coconut oil spray or canola oil spray) and pour the pancake batter mixture into your frying pan. Cook until you see tiny bubbles starting to pop through on top of the pancake. Now flip the pancake and cook other side until the bottom of the pancake is browned (or cook to your preference). Plate and serve!

*Optional: Spread coconut oil on top after pancake is plated and shake cinnamon on top, add sliced 1/2 medium banana or 1/4 cup fresh cut strawberries or blueberries.


#2.Almond Joy Breakfast (or Energy) Bars:

These raw, no-bake breakfast bars are gluten-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, sugar-free, and a great energy boost for any time of day! Make these on a Sunday and store them in your fridge to have as a quick snack when you’re in a rush and on the go! Measurements may vary according to your taste and preference, so have fun with it and tweak the recipe as you like!


Breakfast Bar Mix: Prep time is 20 minutes and recipe yields 12-16 servings/breakfast bars.

  • 1/4 cup Dry Organic Oatmeal *optional (I use Gluten & Wheat-free whole oats)
  • 1-2 tbsp Chia seeds
  • 1 cup Raw Almonds
  • 1 cup Raw Cashews
  • 1/2 cup Raw Pumpkin seeds (slightly browned in dry frying pan)
  • 1/4 cup Raw Sunflower seeds
  • 2 tbsp Raw Cacao powder
  • 2 chopped & pitted Organic Dates
  • 1 tbsp of Organic, Alcohol-free Vanilla extract
  • 4 scooper-fulls of 100% Pure Organic Stevia Extract powder
  • 1 teaspoon – 1 tbsp Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • Filtered water


First, mix all dry ingredients in a bowl (don’t add dates yet). Pour half of dry mixture into your food processor or your high-speed/high-quality blender (I use a Blendtec Blender). Pulse your blender or food processor 8-12 times to moderately chop up the nuts. Then add remaining portion of your dry mixture, as well as, the vanilla extract, dates and 2 tablespoons of filtered water. Slowly pulse the mixture in your food processor or blender until it begins to stick and hold together, adding water as needed (similar to making pizza dough). Once your mixture begins to stick together, scoop out the mixture onto a plate or 8″x8″ baking pan lined with saran wrap. Pull sides of saran wrap up and over mixture so it is covered and use the saran wrap to start to mold your breakfast bar mixture into a square that is 1-2″ thick and about 6-8″ x 6-8″. Cut into squares and throw in the refrigerator to let cool for at least an hour before eating so that your breakfast bar squares hold together! Voila, your breakfast bars are ready to eat!

*Optional: Spread organic shredded coconut on top of breakfast bars before popping them in the refrigerator.

#3. Bacon & Eggs Frittata:

Egg and bacon frittata

This bacon & egg frittata feels and tastes like a cheat meal! It is so tasty and is jam packed with lean protein sources to help you repair and recover from your daily workouts!

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees and spray an 8-10″ oven-safe pie pan with cooking spray.

Frittata Mixture: Prep time is 15 minutes and recipe yields 2-4 servings.

  • 1/4 cup Unsweetened Organic Coconut Milk
  • 4 Organic, free-range large eggs
  • 2 cups Kale
  • 1/4 cup Scallions
  • 2 medium roma tomatoes, diced
  • 1/2 large bell pepper, diced
  • 6 strips organic turkey bacon
  • 1-2 shakes of sea salt
  • 1-2 teaspoons fresh ground pepper
  • 2 teaspoons oregano


First, throw the bell pepper, kale & scallions in a frying pan (coated w/cooking spray) and brown up. Add in diced tomatoes to this mixture. Turn off heat. Cook up bacon in a frying pan. Remove bacon and chop up. Add bacon & vegetables to your round oven-safe pie pan. Whisk eggs and coconut milk together in a bowl. Pour in egg mixture evenly over your vegetable & bacon mixture in the round oven-safe pie pan. Make sure egg mixture evenly covers and spreads throughout the pie pan. Top with salt, oregano & pepper and place on middle rack of your oven that has been preheated to 375 degrees. Cook for approximately 45 minutes, or until top is browned. Remove from oven, let cool for 5-10 minutes. Then cut into 4-6 wedges (like a pizza). Plate and serve!

*Optional: If you need some extra calories or energy, serve a slice of this bacon & egg frittata with a tablespoon of almond butter iced on top of it!

That’s all you need to do today. Pretty simple, right?

Push Ups & Cupcakes!

Here in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S., we are having a snow storm and most offices are closed! So that means a lot of people get to stay home from work and snuggle by the fire and watch movies all day….
The first thing to think about is that you now have ALL day to get in a great workout. AND you should really reward yourself by cooking up (and eating!) these amazing cupcakes. They are so delicious and perfect to pack in your lunch bag as an afternoon snack. If you’re like most people, during a workday you probably experience a dip in energy around 2:00 – 3:00 pm…right? Perfect time to eat a cupcake than, right?

So here is the plan:

  1. Do the workout routine (see below).
  2. Then eat a cupcake (recipe below).

That’s all you need to do today. Pretty simple, right?

“How Low Can You Go?” Workout:

Tone up your legs, arms and abs with this simple home workout routine! For each move, the lower you can go, the better. Challenge yourself! Visualize your goals, put on some motivational tunes and rip this workout routine a new you know what! Do 5 rounds of each circuit. Give yourself 10 seconds between each exercise move. Give yourself 30 seconds between each round & circuit. Do 10 – 15 reps per move.

Circuit A: *Do 5 rounds, 10 secs rest between moves, 30 secs rest between rounds

  1. Push Ups (on knees or toes)
  2. Prisoner Squats (add jumps to step up intensity)
  3. Knee Tucks

*30 secs rest before moving onto Circuit B.

Circuit B: *Do 5 rounds, 10 secs rest between moves, 30 secs rest between rounds

  1. Dips
  2. Walking Lunges (20 reps total)
  3. Leg Raises

*30 secs rest before moving onto Circuit C.

Circuit C: *5 rounds, 10 secs rest between moves, 30 secs rest between rounds

  1. Elbow Plank to Push Up Plank
  2. Split Squats (10 reps/leg; elevate foot to intensify)
  3. Mountain Climbers (20 switches total)

Good Job, You’re Done! Now go eat a cupcake!

Almond Butter Cupcakes:

Preheat your oven to 350˚. Whip up the cupcake batter below. And bake away! These muffins are nutrient packed, gluten-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, sugar-free, grain-free and a perfect post or pre-workout snack! Measurements may vary according to your taste and preference, so have fun with it and tweak the recipe as you like!

Cupcake batter: Prep time is 15 minutes and recipe yields 9-12 cupcakes

  • ½ – ¾ cup coconut flour
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 6 -7 eggs
  • ½ – ¾ cup coconut milk (add at end)
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil (melt in microwaveable bowl first)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 10 scoops pure stevia extract powder (taste test as you go, start with 6-8 scoops and add as you taste test batter)
  • 1 teaspoon dolloped on top of cupcake once batter added to cupcake tins *optional (before baking)
  • Almond butter ‘icing’ – once cupcakes are baked, take a tablespoon of almond butter and spread on top of cupcake as ‘icing’


Preheat oven to 350˚, spray a cupcake tray with cooking oil, and get out your muffin tins (I use silicone tins, they’re awesome!).

  1. Combine the coconut flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon in large bowl.
  2. Whisk together the eggs, coconut oil, and vanilla extract in a bowl and blend well.
  3. Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients. Slowly add coconut milk until reaching a cupcake consistency and thickness (should be like pancake batter).
  4. Now add 6-8 scoops of pure stevia extract powder (very potent, so I mean the very tiny scooper that comes in your pure stevia extract powder bottle).
    1. Taste the batter, and if you want to increase the sweetness, add a scoop or two more.
    2. Once batter is ready, fill each of your muffin tins about 90% full with the batter.
      1. Dollop a teaspoon of almond butter on top of a few muffins for some fun and variety!
      2. Put muffins in middle rack of oven for about 20-25 minutes.
      3. Cool and frost with almond butter! Yum!